3. Rare eBook Collection
Permanent URI for this communityhttps://idr.l1.nitk.ac.in/handle/123456789/17802
Item Introduction to Qualitative Analysis(The Brayant Press, Toranto, 1896) Lash Miller, W; Smale, F JItem The Cambridge Modern History Vol. I(University Press, Cambridge, 1902) Action, LordItem The Soil(John Murray, London, 1903) Robinson, G WItem Derivatives and Differentials Definite Integrals Expansion in Series Applications to Geometry(Dover Publications, New York, 1904) Goursat, EdouardItem Plane Surveying(United States of America, 1906) Tracy, John ClaytonItem Slide Rule(C.F Casella, London, 1908) Picworth, Charles NItem Minerals In Rock Sections(D.Van Nostrand, New York, 1908) Luquer, Lea McilvaineItem Steam Power Plants(McGrow Hill Book, New York, 1912) Meyer, Henry CItem Electrical Machine Design(Ram Nagar, New Delhi, 1913) Gray, AlexanderItem Srimad Bhagavadgita Rahasya Vol. I(R.B.Tilak, Poona, 1915) Tilak, Bal GangadharItem Graphical and Mechanical Computation(John Wiley and sons, New York, 1918) Lipka, JosephItem Geodesy(United States of America, 1919) Hosmer, George LItem Foundations, Abutments and Footings(McGraw Hill Book, United Sates of America, 1923) Hool, G.A; Kinne, W.SItem General Chemistry(John Wiley& Sons, New York, 1923) Deming, Horace GItem The Engineering of Excavation(John Wiley Sons, New York, 1923) Messey, George BItem Theory and Performance of Rectifiers Vol. 18(Government Printing Office, Washington, 1924) Holler, H.D; Schrodt, J.PItem Laymen And The New Architecture(John Murry, London, 1925) Robertson, ManningItem Resistance Of Materials(John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1925) Sheely, Fred BItem Interpretation of Topographic and Geologic Maps(McGraw Hill Book, New York, 1925) Dake, C.L; Brown, J.SItem The Theory Of Measurements(Longmans Green, New York, 1925) Tuttle, Lucius; Satterly, John