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Title: Extending BookSim2.0 and HotSpot6.0 for power, performance and thermal evaluation of 3D NoC architectures
Authors: Halavar, B.
Pasupulety, U.
Talawar, B.
Issue Date: 2019
Citation: Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2019, Vol.96, , pp.-
Abstract: With the increase in number and complexity of cores and components in Chip-Multiprocessors (CMP) and Systems-on-Chip (SoCs), a highly structured and efficient on-chip communication network is required to achieve high-performance and scalability. Network-on-Chip (NoC) has emerged as a reliable communication framework in CMPs and SoCs. Many 2-D NoC architectures have been proposed for efficient on-chip communication. Cycle accurate simulators model the functionality and behaviour of NoCs by considering micro-architectural parameters of the underlying components to estimate performance, power and energy characteristics. Employing NoCs in three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D-ICs) can further improve performance, energy efficiency, and scalability characteristics of 3D SoCs and CMPs. Minimal error estimation of energy and performance of NoC components is crucial in architecture trade-off studies. Accurate modeling of re:Horizontal and vertical links by considering micro-architectural and physical characteristics reduces the error in power and performance estimation of 3D NoCs. Additionally, mapping the temperature distribution in a 3D NoC reduces estimation error. This paper presents the 3D NoC modelling capabilities extended in two existing state-of-the-art simulators, viz., the 2D NoC Simulator - BookSim2.0 and the thermal behaviour simulator - HotSpot6.0. With the extended 3D NoC modules, the simulators can be used for power, performance and thermal measurements through micro-architectural and physical parameters. The major extensions incorporated in BookSim2.0 are: Through Silicon Via power and performance models, 3D topology construction modules, 3D Mesh topology construction using variable X, Y, Z radix, tailored routing modules for 3D NoCs. The major extensions incorporated in HotSpot6.0 are: parameterized 2D router floorplan, 3D router floorplan including Through Silicon Vias (TSVs), power and thermal distribution models of 2D and 3D routers. Using the extended 3D modules, performance (average network latency), and energy efficiency metrics (Energy-Delay Product) of variants of 3D Mesh and 3D Butterfly Fat Tree topologies have been evaluated using synthetic traffic patterns. Results show that the 4-layer 3D Mesh is 2.2 better than 2-layer 3D Mesh and 4.5 better than 3D BFT variants in terms of network latency. 3D Mesh variants have the lowest Energy Delay Product (EDP) compared to 3D BFT variants as there is an 80% reduction in link lengths and up to 3 more TSVs. Another observation is that the EDP of the 4-layer 3D BFT (with transpose traffic) is 1.5 the EDP of the 4-layer 3D Mesh (with transpose traffic). Further optimizations towards a tailored 3D BFT for transpose traffic could reduce this EDP gap with the 4-layer 3D Mesh. From the 3D NoC heat maps, it was found that the edge routers in the floorplan of the tested 3D Mesh and 3D BFT topologies have the least ambient temperature. 2019
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