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Title: Quality and complexity comparison of H.264 intra mode with JPEG2000 and JPEG
Authors: Aravind, A.L.
Rao, B.P.
Kudva, S.S.
Babu, S.
Sumam, David S.
Rao, A.V.
Issue Date: 2004
Citation: Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP, 2004, Vol.1, , pp.525-528
Abstract: The recently proposed H.264 video coding standard offers significant coding gains over previously defined standards. An enhanced intra-frame prediction algorithm has been proposed in H.264 for efficient compression of I-frames. This paper investigates the scope of the intraframe coder of H.264 for image coding. We compare the quality of this coder and the complexity of its decoder with the commonly used image codecs (JPEG and JPEG2000). Our results demonstrate that H.264 has a strong potential as an alternative to JPEG and JPEG2000. �2004 IEEE.
Appears in Collections:2. Conference Papers

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